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Benedictine Congregation of Saint Mary of Monte Oliveto

Benedictine Congregation of Saint Mary of Monte Oliveto
Gyeongnam Goseong Abbey of St. Bernard Tolomei

One body in christ
Unum Corpus in Christo

A community of fraternal fellowship, one body in Christ
Olivetano Saint Benedict's Monastery
In an ecological environment good for walking and meditating
Focusing on work according to monastic tradition, Gregorian chants, and common liturgy,
Welcoming guests through lectio divina retreats and spiritual accompaniment;
It is a sedentary community of love that praises God with its dedicated members.
Benedictine Congregation of St Mary of Monte Oliveto
수도회의 성인들과 몬떼올리베또의 성마리아 연합회

want to be free, Serve him in peace want."
Saint Bernard Tolomei
“In order to contemplate the God who called us in silence
고성 올리베따노 성 베네딕도 수도원 특집방송