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St Bernardo Tolomei


"More than any heroic virtue

Humble your own sins

It 's better to admit it."

St. Bernardo Tolomei, Letter 1

The founder of St. Benedictine of Olivetano is St. Bernardo Tolomei. Born in 1272 to a noble family in Siena, Italy, the saint was originally John. Johann Tolomei was a law enforcement officer and emperor's knight who studied law like any other aristocratic son at that time. But suddenly, he is in danger of losing his sight, and he personally pledges to devote his life to the healing of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Upon being healed by God's grace, he decided to live the life of thorough retribution and prayer he had hoped for, and began a silver life in 1313 with his colleagues Ambrosio Piccolomini and Patricio Patrici. I was 41 years old at that time.

Like the early monks, the three devoted themselves to contemplative life with silence and simple life. Later, as their holy life became known and his disciples gathered, he built a monastery at Monte Olivetto, which was accredited by the Bishop of Arezzo as a convent in 1319. The Order, which chose Saint Benedician's Capital Rule as a way of life, was finally officially approved by the Church in 1344 by Pope Clemens VI.

Tolomei served as fathers for 27 years, earning the full trust of the brothers of the Order. However, as the plague spreads across Siena, he moves to a devastated city center to reach out to help. In doing so, while caring for the brothers who suffered from plague, he himself died in 1348 with plague.

In 1644 Pope Urban VIII placed him on a blessed tribute, and investigations for canonization began in 1998, and relatively recently, canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.

"All the teachings of adults

It is an echo that speaks of the value of humility,

By every means possible

Teaches humility and leads us to humility

I convince you to come back."

St. Bernardo Tolomei, Letter 1

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