One Body Unum Corpus
" We have many members in one body
Have, but all of those members
As if they are not functioning the same,
There are many of us, but Christ
Each other as one body inside
It will be delayed. "
Rome 12,4-5
The official name of the Association is'Congregatio Benedictina S. Mariae Montis Oliveti'. For short, it is also called'Olivetano St. Benedictine'. Our association aims for contemplative life.
By the time St. Bernardo Tolomei passed away, the Monte Olivetto Order continued to develop at the expense of the love of its founder, despite the great ordeal that 80 people, half of the brothers, died due to the outbreak of the plague at that time. And received great respect from the church. Thus, the size of the post-Bernardo Confederation was 303 in 22 monasteries in the 14th century, 914 in 53 monasteries in the 15th century, 1,044 in 76 monasteries in the 16th century, 940 in 82 monasteries in the 17th century, and 83 in the 18th century. There were even 2,000 monks in dog monasteries.
As the years passed, this association gradually became international and included a variety of members, including monks and nuns, consecrated nuns, nuns, and lay consecrators of men and women.
It celebrated its 700th anniversary in 2019, and now has a total dad in the Abbey of Monte Olivetto in Italy, and 25 male monasteries and 19 female communities are active in Italy, France, England, South Korea, Israel, Brazil, USA and Guatemala. There is.
In Korea, the'Olibetano St. Benedicdo Goseong Abbey', which entered in 1988, and the'Busan Olivetano St. Benedicdo Sisters', which started with the dispatch of six Swiss nuns in 1931, belong to this association.
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