St Benedict of Nursia

St. Benedict was born around 480 in Nursia, Italy, and is well known for his Western religious father and patron saint of Europe, and his book The Water Rule.
While studying in Rome as a young man, he becomes disillusioned with the confusion and indulgence of urban life and goes to the wilderness. The saints initially lived as a silver water in Enfidé, then settled in Subiyako, where they were supplied with food from another silver water, and practiced in a cave for three years. Later, when his fame became known, he was invited to become the head of the religious community at Vikovaro, but was threatened with murder for demanding strict rules from them. So I come back to Subiyako. After that, as his followers flocked like a cloud, Subiyako became the center of spirituality and learning.
From this point on, Benedict began to change his life into a communal life. With the aim of a'abbey' life for fraternal unity and common liturgical life, that life is finally embodied in Monte Cassino. He then established 12 more monasteries and wrote <Monumentary Rules>, which will be the most important texts of Western religious life in the future. The saint ascended from Monte Cassino on March 21, 547. It is reported that he died in front of the church altar, wearing shoes and praying with his arms wide open.
Several provinces have celebrated his feast on July 11 from the end of the 8th century, and on October 24, 1964, Pope Paul VI, together with St. Cirillo and Methodius, declared St. Benedictine as the patron saint of Europe. His symbols include a black monk, a rule book (book), a staff, a crow holding a bread, and a venomous (snake) chalice.
The'Benedic Order' is a generic term for the congregations that follow his capital rules around the world and has the character of'Confederate'. The Benedictines scattered in each region do not have a subordination relationship with the Benedictines in any one region, but operate independently while observing all the Order of St. Benedictines equally. However, it distinguishes among the many Benedictines scattered around the world under the sub-concept of'Aquarius Congregation'. The first purpose of the Benedictine is to live in a thorough religious life through community life while staying in a certain place. However, depending on the needs of the local church, they also engage in various activities such as education, academics, and missionary activities.
Among these are our Olivetano Association, Solem Association, Subiaco Association, Monte Cassino Association, Otilia Association, Camaldoli Association, Silvestro Association, and Ballumbrosa Association. (The Cistercians and the Umryul Cistercians do not belong to the Benedic City, but the Benedic also follows the rules of the capital.)

And most of all, <Among the Rules>, written by a saint, has not only established itself as a cornerstone of Western religious life due to its wide adaptability, moderation, and discernment, but also has been used by many religious people from time to time to the present day. It has a profound effect. Bosch, a French bishop and theologian in the 17th century, clearly sees its characteristics as follows:
"This rule is an outline of the Christian spirit, a comprehensive and mystical summary of the whole teaching of the gospel, a summary of all the teachings of the Holy Fathers, a summary of every admonition of perfection. In it, wise and simplicity, modesty and courage, and strictness. There is remarkable reconciliation, freedom and dependence, where there is no more rectification, no more humility, no more enchanting, no more decisive command, no less obedience, no more solemn silence, no more words. It is graceful and full of strength, while weakness is encouraging, yet St. Benedict says that it is only the beginning for those who are bound to obey this rule and always live with a holy fear. ."
Jacques Veninue Bosch
"'We have to wake up
The time has already come to do it.' Did
Inspired by the words of the Bible
Let's get up."
<Water Rules> Introduction, 8

"Abandoning your will
The true King, the Lord Christ
Obedience to struggle for
You who hold strong and fine weapons,
I am now to you
This is what I mean. "
<Water Rules> Introduction, 3
<수도 규칙> 머리말, 3