monks prayer hospitality
Seven Offices, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Reading (Lectio Divina), other physical work such as hospitality and retreat guidance, management of monasteries and retreats, and farming are all the prayers of the monks. We believe that it is dedicated to God as a sacrifice. However, there are times when it is difficult to complete all these missions with the power of small monks.

Your little sincerity is the church
It is very helpful for community growth and spiritual benefits
Your donations are used to support the church's mission of proclaiming the gospel and
Help the poor, manage monasteries, which are the property of the church, and develop and nurture religious people

In our Monastery of St. Benedict of Olivetano, your precious donations and
We donate a certain amount every month with the proceeds from the labor of our community brothers.
<Current donation organization>
- Support for low-income children through the pigeon study room (local children’s center) in Songseongdo, Busan
- Seoul Inbo House Support
- Artificial cochlear surgery support project through the snail of love
- Domestic children's rights protection project, overseas education support project through Good Neighbors
- Sponsoring overseas children such as Myanmar and Indonesia through Plan Korea
- Japanese Joseon School Support Project through Mongdang Pencil
- Relief work through the Korean Red Cross Windmill of Hope
- Domestic child welfare projects through the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation
- Small Library Picnic in Busan
-Doctors Without Borders
- Headquarters of the National Return to Farm Movement
Donation receipts can be issued.
post office 611962-01-001353
Shinhan Bank 140-010-944657
Benedictine Monastery of St. Olivetano
Inquiries: 010 5301 1319